Find Documentation Italy
This summer we completed our find documentation for the Italian cemeteries by two separate trips, one to Bologna and one to Mantova.
First in the Soprintendenza Archeologia belle arti e paesaggio the findings from Casalecchio di Reno were processed, some of them showing clear connections to the region north of the Alps, while some follow an Italian tradition. Special thanks to Vanessa Poli for her support and the provision of an air conditioned room, which is much needed in Bologna during August.
Second we payed a visit to the Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, completing the documentation of Carzaghetto which also included material very well comparable to the one from Austrian Cemeteries. All cooperation was provided by the member of the archaeological staff Mari Hirose.
Final visit to the Museum of Marzabotto
Final visit to the Museum of Marzabotto
From the 18. of June until the 21. our archaeological team from Vienna went on a work trip to the museum of Marzabotto. Most importantly we documented all the findings displayed in the exhibition and discussed the archaeological material with our Italian colleges Andrea Gaucchi and Elisabetta Govi, with whom we planed further cooperation and publications.
Kelti 2024
The La Tène Period in Central Europe - International Conference
23rd edition of the conference on Later Iron Age KELTI / DIE KELTEN / THE CELTS.
14th–17th May 2024 Žilina, Slovakia
Organizer: Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Regional Monument Board in Žilina, the Slovak Archaeological Society by the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the town of Žilina.
During the conference, the progress of the CATA project was presented to the international scientific community under the title "News from CATA: a spot on Franzhausen". Most importantly the presentation showed the double enclosures that seem to play an important role in the burial culture of the Late Iron Age . Thus explaining the spacial organisation of the cemetery itself.
Furthermore, anthropological results from the cemetery of Walpersdorf provided by Friederike Novotny and Michaela Spannagl-Steiner and archaeological information by Leona Kohl about Vekerzug Pottery and "geriefte Drehscheibenware" inside a cremation burial from Walpersdorf were shared on two poster presentations.
Moreover the second meeting with the Advisory Board took place.
New Team Member
Since the beginning of May our new team member Mgr. Patrik Urban joined us in Vienna. As a prae doc student of Brno, specialized on La Tène cemeteries in Moravia he brings new perspectives and methods to our workflow.
He steps in instead of Thomas Koch Waldner, since he excepted an employment as leading archaeologist at the Keltenmuseum Hallein. We are looking forward to further cooperation with him and the museum.
Field trip Marzabotto
From 5th to 7th of Mach we visited the Museum of Marzabotto for the purpose of documenting and inspecting the La Tène artefacts on display in the exhibition. We found assistance by Dr.essa Federica TIMOSSI (Direzione Regionale Musei Emilia-Romagna) and had a meeting with Prof. Andrea GAUCCI (Senior Assistant Professor, univ. Bologna, Dept. History and Cultures) regarding the process of our project. Furthermore we were able to visit the sight of the cemetery itself, gaining new perspectives and a better understanding of the landscape and surrounding structures.
Depot Urzeitmuseum Nussdorf-Traisental
On 27 November 2023, our team inspected the depot and display cases of the prehistoric museum in Nussdorf in search of objects to be processed in the project. The finds were photographed and catalogued on site. All objects that still needed to be restored were borrowed from the museum. The local museum presents the most important artefacts from the major Traisental excavations of the 1980s and 1990s, from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages, with a focus on the Bronze and Iron Ages.
© Stefan Kraus
Meeting in Bologna
From 5th to 8th November 2023, Peter C. Ramsl, Friederike Novotny and Thomas Koch Waldner held a project meeting with our Italian project partners in Bologna. The Italian colleges, Vanessa Poli from the Soprintendenza Bologna and the excavators of the Casalecchio di Reno cemetery, Xabier Muro and Davide Mengoli, were present during the archaeological discussions. Jacopo Ortalli also honoured us at this meeting, which focused on the further procedure and the inspection of the archaeological findings. At the Institute of Anthropology we held a meeting with Giovanna Belcastro, Davide Mameli and Rita Sorrentini. During the meeting, the human remains from Casalecchio where examined and the progress of the anthropological investigations was discussed. With Andrea Gaucci from the Institute for Etruscologia e Antichità italiche a co-operation was agreed on the processing of some skeletons from Marzabotto. The discussions and agreements on how to proceed at both meetings can be regarded as extremely successful.
The Alps in the 1st Millennium BC
© Jörg Moser - Universität Innsbruck
The Alps in the 1st Millennium BC
International Conference - Universität Innsbruck
28th September -1th October 2023 Innsbruck, Austria
Organizer: Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Archäologien
AG Eisenzeit des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung
At the conference, the presentation of CATA contributed to the topic "Trade, exchange and communication" and viewed the Alps as a barrier, as well as the connecting link between north and south.Therefore the research questions regarding migration - mobility, nutrition - illness and others have been clarified. Furthermore we were able to depict first anthropological results and conspicuities.
Field Excursion Traisen Valley
In the course of a field excursion to the Traisen Valley on Aug. 23, 2023 two soil samples from the cemeteries Walpersdorf and Franzhausen and four water samples from the Traisen river and creeks of the direct surroundings (e.g., Eisenbründl, Theyerbach) were collected.
These samples will be used as local references for isotopic analyses (Sr, O, C, N) carried out on 55 teeth or bones of selected individuals for a precise distinction between local and nonlocal individuals and potential food sources.
Team Meeting Vienna
Team Meeting Vienna
In June the Team from Vienna had their regular meeting at the University of Vienna. Main topic were the DNA analysis as well as how to reconstruct the living conditions at the beginning of the Latène period. The question is if the climate change in this time span took a tole on nutrition, as well as health and therefore encouraged migration across the alps. In the following months samples from the Traisental skeletons will be taken. Those will help to make comparisons to other Traisental cemeteries like Pottenbrunn or Ossarn, where the DNA analysis is already nearly finished.
New Showcase at the Department in Vienna
Recently we equipped a display cabinet at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology in Vienna. It is intended to represent the project and make its progress traceable, especially for the students. Soon more findings, which are currently being restaurated, will be put out for display. Furthermore a reconstruction drawing of a grave is planned.
Keltové 2023
Keltové 2023
The La Tène Period in Central Europe - International Conference
22nd edition of the conference on Later Iron Age KELTOVÉ / THE CELTS / DIE KELTEN.
9th–12th May 2023 Jičín, East Bohemia, Czech Republic
Organizer: Department of Archaeology of the University Hradec Králové and the Regional Museum & Gallery of Jičín
Co-Organizers: Charles University Prague , National Museum in Prague and the Czech-Slovakian Group for the Iron Age
During the conference, the CATA project was presented to the international scientific community for the first time. Project leader Peter C. Ramsl gave a presentation with the title "Celts Across The Alps - Traisen valley meets Northern Italy". Most importantly the presentation pointed out the value of understanding the connection across the Alps during the Iron Age, especially during the fluctuant time between Late Hallstatt and Early La Téne Period. Thus explaining the necessity of interdisciplinary and interregional archaeology.
Furthermore, the first meeting with the Advisory Board took place creating new input for further research activities.