Prof. dott.ssa Maria Giovanna Belcastro
Full professor and Head of Department at the Universita de Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali. Main research focus are human skeletal remains in Evolutionary Anthropology with applications in Forensics, ethical and museum aspects. Research and Education are aimed at reconstructing biology and behavior of past populations. Teaching at several Schools of Sciences, Humanities and BC and Specialization in Archaeological Heritage.
dott. Davide Mengoli, MA
Archaeologist with over 40 years of experience in the field of emergency and planned archaeology both on land and underwater. Specialist in computerised and aerophotogrammetric survey systems, the QGis system applied to the archaeology of the Emilia Romagna Region. Head of Excavation for the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna, under the Scientific Direction of Dr. J. Ortalli of the Celtic Necropolis of Casalecchio Zone "A".
dott. Zoriontzu Xabier Gonzàlez Muro, MA
Archaeologist with over thirty years of experience, in the methodology of archaeological research and archaeological excavation technique in addition to archaeological underwater excavations. Certified technical Director of Archaeological Excavation Works and archaeological director for over 150 government projects. Lecturer at the Universities of Milano, Rome, Bologna and Ravenna.
Davide Mameli M.Sc.
PhD student in Physical Anthropology at the Uni Bologna. The research activity aims to provide new information and insights on health, lifestyle, migration and mobility of the Casalecchio di Reno Celtic population (Bologna, Italy), integrating both traditional and innovative techniques.
Palazzo Ducale:
Archaeological officer for the Italian Ministry of Culture – Palazzo Ducale di Mantova. Main research focus in Iron Age in northern Italy (Golasseccha culture, Forcello). Lecturer in Archaeological method (Università degli Sudi di Milano).
dott. Leonardo Lamanna
Archaeological officer for the Italian Ministry of Culture – Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Cremona, Lodi e Mantova. Supervision and direction of several archaeological excavations in the territory of Mantova, both rescue archaeology and scientific research projects, with a focus on Bronze and Iron Age.